Monday, November 19, 2012


Things have been crazy since I started working again. I easily forgot just how many hours in the day I would loose by working. Good bye clean house, and laundry being caught up! Hello forgetting to plug in the crockpot and late nights! Oh well, we will get it together!

The girls are fine to their dad's until Thanksgiving. They are "supposed" to be in school, but only had to go for 2 days. So they are skipping!

I'm sick. Throat hurting, head stopped up, can't sleep because I can't breath sleep. Wonderful!

We are going to Cabot for Thanksgiving! Can't wait. I love being with my family!! Just wish I didn't have to work the day after. Blah. Can't wait to see everyone!!

We went to Carrie's 30th Birthday Fiesta this weekend. Super fun!! I loved her cake! I wish I had taken a picture!! I'll post pictures of what I have!!

Next Saturday, we are having girls night at my house! I bought waffle cones so I can make little Christmas trees with them and Ornaments!! I should rephrase. We are having little girls night!! :)

I also posted Science project pictures that the girls did! Solar System.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Day 2.

We are slowly trying to get into a afternoon routine at the Stafford house! The girls have been amazing! They have not complained about the changes! I'm so happy!

Work had been good, just trying to get into the swing of things. I swear its like rising a bicycle. Once you learn, you don't forget! I even had a lunch
Note (I've been taking my lunch) from Jenna & Ashley wishing me a happy 2nd day of work. My girls are the best!!!

Brent and I have been watching Election Day coverage tonight, and I'm about ready to delete my FB! I can't stand all the "political talk!"

Hating the time change! I'm ready for bed at 7pm!!! Bring on Summer!

Monday, November 5, 2012


The girls LOVED deer camp. Loved hunting, loved staying up by the fire, loved touching dead animals. Ick.

I started back to work, so no super long blog.... But here are pictures and video from our weekend! ;)

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Thankful : Day 4

Day 4 :: Today, I am thankful for friends.

I have had the same 2 best friends Victoria & Jessie, since 9th grade. We met in 1993. Eeeek. We are SO old. DBS baby!

Once we got older, and started "allowing" new friends in (ha!) Tasha, Amber and Shannon became part of the 5.

We have been through it all together! Death, Marriages, Birth's, Divorce, Fights, Hospital Visits, Midnight calls, we have been through it all. We don't talk everyday, we don't see each other very often, and I know I don't "keep up" like I should... and despite ALL of that, we are still best friends.

We call ourselves the "Quacks" and it fits. I love every single one of them, and would do anything for them. We have such fun together!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful :: Day 3

Day 3 : Today I am thankful for family.

I have an amazing family. I have a HUGE amazing family, and when I say I'm thankful for my family, it includes Brent's family, whom I consider "mine" as well.

I'm thankful for my Mom, Dad, and Step-Mom Gail.

I'm thankful for my Big Momma and Big Daddy.

I'm thankful for my brother Trey, his wife Sarah and 2 children.

I'm thankful for my Aunt T and Katie.

I'm thankful for Ann and Tommy.

I'm thankful for Carrie & GG (hmm... JJ!)

I'm thankful for Aunt Cathy & Uncle Herbie, who has taught mr husband about the stick.

I'm thankful for *all* of Brent's cousins and children. Including my very best friends, whom are now my family.

I'm thankful for Brent's grandmother. And, all the grandparent's whom he loves and I wish I had the pleasure of meeting!

I'm thankful for Poppa and Grandma June.

I'm thankful for Auntie Carol and Uncle Joe.

I'm thankful for friends, who are family.

I'm thankful for distant relatives, whom I may not see on a daily basis. I really hope I didn't miss anyone.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Menu Board on Pinterest

Now that meal planning is a must, I have started a November Menu Planning board on Pinterest. 

Tish's November Menu Plan...

I only plan weekly, and love my crock pot.

I usually only plan for 3 or 4 days per week (this week for instance, I planned taco's from Monday nights "Beef Dip" sandwiches, with the leftover meat, which I did not pin)  and we usually have a leftover night.

I don't plan for weekends, since I never know who will be here, or what we have going on.

Enjoy! :)

Thankful Day 1 & 2

I really wanted to do a "I'm thankful" blog during November, and write what I'm thankful for each day.  I completely forgot yesterday (and I'm sure this will not be the last time) so I'm doing 2 today! 

Day 1 :  I'm thankful for my relationship with Jesus Christ.
I don't go to church like I should, I've never really been a big "church" person.  I remember when I was a kid being forced to go, and I just didn't like it, and honestly thought it was boring.  When I was a teenager, and moved to an unfamiliar town, I started going as a way to make friends.  Once I got married, I didn't go anymore... and now really only go on certain Holiday's.   It's not that I don't want, to want, to go.  I do.  I just don't make the time.  I have my own personal relationship with God, and I'm a believer.  The girls and I say our prayers every night, and I "talk" to him during the day.  I want the girls to go, and I need to lead by example.  

Day 2:   I'm thankful for my husband. 

I believe that God put Brent into my life at the exact right time.   We had been friends for YEARS (since we were 16, and we use to go "cruise Cherry Street together) but hadn't seen each other in about 13 years.  We met again at a Wedding, and have talked every. single. day since.  I look at him, and can't believe how lucky we are.  He loves me in a way, that I never  dreamed anyone would.  He loves Jenna and Ashley as his own.  He is amazing.  Loving him, is easy.