Friday, February 15, 2013

Valentine's miracle baby!

So, I got my 2nd HCG levels today, 827!! Yay!! Doubling plus some, which makes me so happy!! We go in March 1st for another ultrasound (sure we can see something this time) and another appointment!

(333 HCG Tuesday)

Such good news!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Baby docot

Yesterday, Feb. 12, was our first appointment at Ruch Clinic. I
Mean, after 5 positive pregnancy tests, you assume your pregnant right!? So, we went in, did a urine test (+) screening, bloodwork, pap, talked to the doctor about my cramping issues (cyst on right ovarie) and he did an ultrasound. I could wait to see the little bean, and i know Brent was excited as well. But, we couldnt see anything. It's completely ackward, when the ultrasound tech asks you If you are SURE you got a + because they can't find anything. Bawling, Crying, Mess. Thankfully, the doctor reassured us, that we are pregnant, just probably very early pregnant. Fingers crossed. So, I have to go in again tomorrow for more bloodwork, to make sure my HCG
Levels are rising like they are supposed to be!

We aren't giving up, and I'm not stressing over it, I'm still pregnant, and have VERY sore boobies now (tmi) plus took 2 more tests at home, that continue to get darker everyday!

Little pea must have been hiding, or just hasnt grown very much yet!

Hopefully after Friday. We have more answers!! Please say a prayer for us.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Guess what?!?!

Thursday, I was feeling off. Exhausted, late, on edge. So, off to CVS I went at lunch to buy a pregnancy test. We all know this drill, and how many times in my life I have thought I was pregnant. Tim and I tried for years and had to have help to get pregnant, so never in a gazillion years, did I EVER think it was possible. And sorry for the TMI, but it's not like Brent and I have been exactly careful in last 2 years. So, back to Thursday. Got the test, Wham... Immediate faint plus sign. Friday, I took another test 1st thing, and immediate line again. Guess it's starting to sink in a little. 3rd test (digital) Pregnant. 4th test on Saturday morning, 2nd line.

We are pregnant!!!

I'm estatically worried (will feel much better after our doctors appointment tomorrow) over the moon excited, nervously anxious, and giggly.

Brent and the girls are excited! The girls werent at first, but are now, and I hope after we have a picture, they will be happier! My poor girls are NOT good with change! Brent is still a little shocked, but i know he is happy too!

Here are some pictures of our eventful couple of days!!

I feel like I'm rambling....

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Ok, so I'm the most boring blog owner...


So, since I can't post on a dailey bases anymore.... Dang Job, I thought I would do a picture overload!
